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Tuesday, March 14, 2023



Getting a magazine to write about your music can be a great way to promote your work and a wider audience. Here are some tips on how to go about it:

Research magazines that cover your genre of music: Make a list of magazines that are popular in your genre of music. Look for publications that have a history of covering new and emerging artists.
Identify the right person to pitch to: Once you have a list of magazines, research the staff writers and editors who cover your genre of music. Look for their contact information, and try to find out what types of stories they are interested in.

Craft a compelling pitch: Your pitch should be succinct, yet informative. should include and music as as why you think your story would be a good fit for their publication. Be sure to highlight any recent accomplishments or upcoming events that make your story newsworthy.

Provide them with access to your music: Make sure to provide the magazine with access to your music, whether it's through a private SoundCloud link or by sending them a physical copy of your album.

Follow up: After you have sent your pitch, give the magazine a week or two to respond. If you haven't heard back, send a polite follow-up email to inquire about their interest in your story.
Remember, getting a magazine to write about your music takes persistence and patience. Keep pitching your story to different publications until you find the right fit. Good luck!

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